What Is The Cheapest Airline

What Is The Cheapest AirlineThis is a tough question to answer. With many companies offering specials on a weekly basis on flights and new competitors entering the low cost market, we at cheapflights-southafrica.co.za decided to produce a comparative analysis of exactly what is the cheapest airline.

We have been researching the domestic airlines in South Africa for over 3 months now, releasing our low cost airline leaderboard which shows the various airlines prices using an assortment of  booking dates, passengers and many more. There are no clear winners but one can definitely say that on the whole, the South African consumer is benefiting from the competition.

Within the South African market we have 4 major low cost airlines, 1Time, Mango, Kulula and most recently Velvet Sky. Depending on many variables, according to our comparisons, there are no clear winners, however, Velvet Sky do seem to be offering excellent prices on the whole – this could be an entry strategy to gain market share or a show of things to come.



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