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Low Cost Airline Leaderboard

At cheapflights-southafrica we believe in competition. What we are bringing to you is unbiased statistical data compiled by our team of dedicated staff which will ultimately empower you, the consumer, to make decisions based on the data presented to you. In a nutshell, we are continuously comparing the various airlines and their offerings.

Cheap Flights Round 1
R 279.00
R 509.00R 380.00R 411.00
Cheap Flights Round 2
R 399.00
R 669.00R 630.00R 662.00
Cheap Flights Round 3R 669.00R 669.00
R 383.00
R 395.00
Cheap Flights Round 4R 2396.00R 1806.00
R 1367.00
Cheap Flights Round 5R 7762.00R 7272.00
R 1526.00
R 1629.00
Cheap Flights Round 6R 1788.00R 2718
R 1362.00
R 1629.00
Cheap Flights Round 7R 7992.00R 7628.00
R 6712.00
R 6808.00
Cheap Flights Round 8R 4206.00R 3794.00
R 3558.00
R 4278.00